Checkout Countdown Plugin for aMember

Lets you add a countdown timer brick to your signup form, which can countdown to a fixed or relative (evergreen) date. Once the timer expires, you can choose the expiry action to perform.
The expiry action options are:
- Disable checkout (default): When the countdown expires, the signup form will be disabled, preventing orders. This option is ideal for custom signup forms with time-limited offers.
- Hide Countdown: This option leaves the form checkout active, and just hides the countdown banner when the timer expires. This option is ideal for offering forms with time-limited coupons auto-applied. Simply set the coupon brick to expire at the same time as the countdown timer.
- Do nothing: This option simply displays a custom message when the timer expires. This option is ideal for building anticipation for an upcoming sale/offer. You can, for example, set a coupon to auto-apply at certain date, and then countdown to that offer starting.
For evergreen / relative dates (eg: "1 day 4 hours") you can choose how long after the countdown expires until the evergreen timer resets. This lets you, for example, guarantee the offer until mignight, disable checkout for an hour, then reset for another day.
There is also a "Hidden Coupon" option, which will hide the coupon field while the countdown is active, and remove the coupon when the timer expires. This lets you make a coupon based evergreen offer without the discount coupon being obvious.
You can see this in action on our aMember VIP signup page. If the countdown is active, the coupon field that gives the discount is hidden away. If the countdown has expired, the coupon field is wiped and made visible again. You can also temporarily hide an evergreen checkout countdown for ad hoc offers like this.
Current version: v3.3 - Requires aMember v6.x and PHP v7.4 or higher.
Prices shown on our website do not include sales tax or value-added tax.
Built on aMember Pro™ membership software