Facebook Ad Conversion Tracking Plugin for aMember

The current version of this plugin is: v3,6

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The Facebook Conversions plugin for aMember makes it simple to add Facebook ad conversion tracking to your aMember site, so there’s no more guessing whether your Facebook ads are giving you a return on investment.


Features of the plugin include:

  • Facebook Conversions API (CAPI) Support
    Facebook’s conversions API lets you send conversion data directly from your server, in tandem with the existing pixel. This makes conversion tracking much more robust than pixel tracking alone. Especially since IOS 14 and other browser restrictions.
  • No Duplicates, No slowdowns
    The plugin is fully compliant to ensure Facebook doesn’t record duplicate browser and CAPI conversion events. All events are sent asynchronously, so they won’t slow down your website.
  • Cookie Consent Mode
    The plugin allows you to implement a consent mode, which revokes consent to the pixel until your cookie consent banner grants it again.
  • Track Conversions Up to 62 days!
    CAPI conversions can be sent up to 62 days after the ad click, so to ensure you get the maximum conversion tracking possible, the plugin offers an option to store the Facebook Click ID to the member’s account when they login. That way, even if the member clears their cookies or purchases on a different device, the conversion can still be tracked!
  • Rebill Tracking
    Conversions for customer rebills will be automatically sent when the member logs in to their account, allowing you to get a better picture of your return on ad spend (ROAS) – up to 60 days when using the Facebook CAPI option.
  • Uses Facebook login ID for enhanced data quality
    Works alongside the default aMember Facebook plugin, which adds the Facebook login option to your site. This means the quality of conversion tracking will be even higher for members who have used the login via Facebook option
  • Includes Sale Value for Conversion and ROAS Calculations
    Facebook’s machine learning AI delivers ads to people who are most likely to take a conversion action. The plugin automatically sets the ‘sale value’ that Facebook needs optimise conversions and your return on ad spend (ROAS).
  • Option to Adjust Sale Value
    You can set the percentage of sale value you wish Facebook to use in conversions and ROAS calculations, which is useful if you wish to take account of your typical refund rate.
  • Dynamic Ad Support
    If you use a Facebook Product Catalog for dynamic ads, then you can include dynamic product data in your conversion tracking.
  • Option to Delay Pixel firing
    You can choose to delay firing of the Facebook pixel to ensure people who “bounce” are not added to your audiences. This helps ensure you aren’t wasting money advertising to bots / tyrekickers / spammers etc
  • Simple to Install
    No programming knowledge required. Simply drop the plugin file into your aMember plugins folder, configure the options you want and away you go!
  • Multiple conversion points
    The plugin implements the “Add To Cart”, “Initiate Checkout” and “Purchase” events so you can run ads based on conversions at any of these levels of your order process
  • Unencrypted Code, Unlimited Personal Licence
    The full source code is visible, so you can customise to your needs. Your purchase allows you a lifetime licence to use the Facebook Conversions plugin on all aMember sites you personally own.
  • Comes With 6 Months Support / Updates
    You also get free email support and the ability to re-download the plugin and any updates / bug-fixes for a period of 6 months from date of purchase.

Order now for just $97.00

Requires aMember v6 or higher and PHP v7.2 or higher

What Customers Say…

If you require support for this plugin, please contact us here.


  • 2024-01-31 v3.5 – Update to FB Graph version v19.0
  • 2023-12-18 v3.4 – Update to FB Graph version v18.0
  • 2023-04-12 v3.3 – Update FB Graph, remove pageview delay
  • 2022-09-10 v3.2 – Fix fblogin tracking
  • 2022-06-14 v3.1 – PHP8 Compatibility update, Updated API version
  • 2021-09-28 v3.0 – Added Facebook Conversions API
  • 2020-07-04 v2.1 – Bump compat to v6 / PHP 7.2
  • 2018-02-21 v2.0 – Fix rebill tracking for v5.x
  • 2017-10-04 v1.9 – Prevent double conversion if thanks page refreshed
  • 2017-05-12 v1.8 – Changed payment lookup method
  • 2017-05-06 v1.7 – Compatibility with v5.2.5+
  • 2017-04-21 v1.6 – Added InitiateCheckout, AddToCart Events and delay
  • 2017-03-30 v1.5 – Added recurring payment tracking
  • 2017-01-23 v1.4 – Check invoice and payment in onAfterRender
  • 2016-11-03 v1.3 – i18n of Product Catalog Data
  • 2016-04-08 v1.2 – Fixed value formatting
  • 2016-01-05 v1.1 – Fixed error with PHP < 5.5
  • 2015-09-23 v1.0 – Upgraded to new conversion tracking
  • 2014-10-23 v0.4 – Fixed potential issue with free signup conversion
  • 2014-07-03 v0.3 – Added Pixel Verification
  • 2014-06-23 v0.2 – Updated to latest FB Code
  • 2013-06-17 v0.1 – Plugin Created

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